WordPress is the fastest growing and most popular content management and blogging tool on the Internet. It was initially released in 2003 as a basic blog engine, but today it has become a useful and easy to use web creation tool used by individuals for personal websites and by many web developers and bloggers, businesses and firms all over the world. You can now easily install WordPress on your UK WordPress Hosting site in a few seconds with just a click, and it can be used to develop and build your website irrespective of how complicated the website design may look. It’s an open source which means that its features can be accessed by everyone for free. It can also be customised to what you want and even enhance it to make it match your own design and logo. Many websites you see today are all designed and built with WordPress. WordPress powers many websites from simple personal blogs to high-end internet sites, and it has many features such as the use of templates, plugins, SEO and a host of others. UK Secure Web Hosting offers the best UK WordPress hosting from £32.99 per year. As a leading WordPress hosting provider in the UK, it’s a guarantee that your new or existing WordPress site will work perfectly on our servers. WordPress is available with every web hosting package, and it can easily be installed with just a click from your cPanel. As standard, our hosting plans meet or excel the WordPress System Requirements: PHP 7.2+ MySQL 5.6+ or MariaDB version 10.0+ mod_rewrite enabled by default HTTPS – SSL certificates included free with all our hosting plans WordPress Features WordPress is on par or better than any other software of its kind. We are committed to making the latest blogging technology available to our users (such as Trackback) and taking it a step further (such as with Pingback). You can rest assured that with our WordPress hosting you will be on the cutting edge of the technology available. The following is a list of some of the features that come standard with our WordPress hosting install, however there are literally 1000’s of plugins that extend what WordPress does, so the actual functionality is nearly limitless. You are also free to do whatever you like with the WordPress code, extend it or modify in any way or use it for commercial projects without any licensing fees. That is the beauty of free software, free meaning not only price but also the freedom to have complete control over it. Easy, 1-Click, Auto-Install with Softaculous You can use our included Softaculous auto script installer to install WordPress into your home directory or subdirectory or add-on domains and sub-domains. Installation of WordPress through softaculous is automatic, and you can also automate upgrades and backups. Select a hosting package that fits your needs: Standard Hosting £32.99 Per Year 1 GB Disk space Ideal for: Personal & Small Businesses. Just starting out. = £2.75 per month Sign Up Professional Hosting £59.99 Per Year 5 GB Disk space Ideal for: Small to Medium Size Businesses. Extra space for storing emails. = £4.99 per month Sign Up SSL Ecommerce Hosting £99.99 Per Year 10 GB Disk space Ideal for: SSL & Shopping Carts. HTTPS 256 bit SSL Certificate Included. = £8.33 per month Sign Up View & Compare all hosting plan features – If you have any questions regarding our WordPress hosting UK plans then please contact us, we’ll be happy to help you.